Monday, April 30, 2012

New Midnight Purple Nintendo 3DS!

Yes, a new color is confirmed by Nintendo and will be releasing 5/20/12. They will be adding Midnight Purple to the Nintendo 3DS colors such as Cosmo Black, Flame Red, Aqua Blue, Pearl Pink, and the Legend of Zelda edition which is all black with Gold Zelda designs surrounding it. Lets take a look at this Color itself.

You probably have seen this color before, and yes this is the 3DS they showed off with a couple others such as the Red, Blue and Black 3DS's. Along with an Orange one that they have yet to reveal. But yes, expect a Purple 3DS hitting your stores June 20th.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2!

Yes, the game that you casual gamer's have all been waiting for, Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. While we all expected a new Call of Duty coming this year, we all knew what game it would be. What set it all off was a leaked photo of two reservation cards for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 notifying the date, name and consoles it would be available on.

By the look of these cards, it seems pretty official knowing that this card is from Target as you can see from the upper right on the card. Further news on this game to come. Black Ops 2 will be officially announced on May 1st during the NBA Playoffs.

Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale!

Well, well, well... What do we have here? The extremely obvious clone for the Nintendo Exclusive fighting game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the 2 before that. Let's all take a look at the trailer for this copyright material, I'm joking, Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale!

Now, you do see a couple of differences from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, such as instead of a Wii controller, you use a PS3 controller, and instead of Mario, Peach, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Captain Falcon and much others... You get Kratos, Fat Princess, Colonel Radec, Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth, and Parappa The Rapper. For you Nintendo Fanboys, this is what Sony does, They take then tweak them a bit. This game actually looks like a fun game. You shouldn't judge book by its cover. For now, I will stick to Brawl.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Trailer!

If you have not yet heard of this new game, where have you been. While Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 still run off of the DS graphics and Pokemon Black and White game play style, We don't expect major changes except for probably a couple new Pokemon or a lot more Pokemon, new Gym Leaders, new Elite Four. But, some has stayed in the game, such as Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott as the same starters. More 3D-ish graphics like Pokemon White and Black. Now that I have released a couple facts about the new game, lets take a look at the Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Japanese trailer!

Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS

Now, most of all in the gaming community have probably already heard of the Wii U. But what some of you don't know is that Nintendo has announced that they are working on a Super Smash Bros game for it and the 3DS. Many rumors have said, that it will either be named Super Smash Bros. Universe or Strife.

Below are two pictured that have been UNCONFIRMED by Nintendo.

Clearly, you see that Super Smash Bros. Universe is the better image with more proof. Yet, Nintendo has not confirmed any of these titles. Universe does not go along with the previous titles such as Melee and Brawl which are fighting type words  and Universe sounds more as if they were to have more characters from Sega or other game company's. where as Strife does go along with the previous titles, Universe does have more a believable image, Strife has more of a feel to the type of title that Nintendo would go for. So at this point, we are sort of in a tie, between the both. Lets take a look at some of the characters that should probably make it in the new game.

Keep checking in on my blog for further news on this game. Thank You.